Forward Cities’ most powerful asset is our national learning network.
Our learning network includes cross-sector, cross-generation practitioners and policy-makers dedicated to accelerating equitable entrepreneurial opportunities in their local communities and exploring and learning collaboration between cities. By joining, your city will have an opportunity to connect with other city leaders in our network, share ideas, and access research, ecosystem-building tools and resources.
Connections, Collaboration, and Support
The Benefit Package for Each Participating City:
- 10 Free National Conference Passes (June 2021 in Columbus, Ohio)
- Members-only half-day training preceding National Conference with other cities in the national learning network (NEW)
- Members-only Equitable Entrepreneurship Indicators Mini-Dashboard (NEW)
- Customized Ecosystem Self-Assessment consultancy support (10h) (NEW)
- Members-only call following our quarterly Promising Practices Webinars (NEW)
- Exclusive access to online Member Cities Directory and learning content (NEW)
- 5% Discount on the 6-month E3 Accelerator engagement, including local contract Ecosystem-builder(s)
- E3 Summit in your local community Forward Cities team members (NEW)
Design Your Own E3 Summit | A full-day customizable event for up to thirty leaders representing diverse perspectives across your city’s entrepreneurial ecosystem facilitated by two members of Forward Cities’ national team.
- $20,000 for a city to join the national network for a year
- $10,000 for each additional city to join from a region (e.g. if three cities from proximate MSAs joined from a region the total cost would be $40,000. All benefits would apply for each city though there would be a single one-day regional summit)
We value collaboration and are always interested in finding new partners.
Tell us how you're interested in working together, and Forward Cities staff will follow-up within three business days. If you are an entrepreneur in Durham, NC looking for resources, please check out E3 Durham for information.