
A Reflection on BWSF Community Events During Black History Month

March 4, 2024 | By

Nutishia Lee

During Black History Month, each of the Black Wall Street Forward communities held events to share the details of their strategic visions and uplift Black entrepreneurship in their communities....

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Berry O'Kelly Training School Method, NC

Celebrating Black History Month: Honoring Berry O’Kelly’s Legacy

February 29, 2024 | By

Sabrina Little, Rada Mills

We share the story of humanitarian and business and education extraordinaire, Berry O'Kelly. Born in Orange County, NC, O’Kelly moved to Wake County to live with relatives who had...

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Forward Cities in 2024: Casting a Vision, Cultivating Talent, & Catalyzing Support

January 31, 2024 | By

Fay Horwitt, President & CEO of Forward Cities

As we move into 2024, we are uplifting three key pathways to activating that strategy: casting a clear vision that our team and supporting stakeholders can passionately rally around,...

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Forward Cities’ Journey in 2023: Reflecting on a Year of Triumph & Transformation

December 27, 2023 | By

Fay Horwitt, President & CEO of Forward Cities

As we inched closer to December, I found myself in a familiar end-of-year headspace that many do - reflecting on the year past and casting a vision for the...

Read More about Forward Cities’ Journey in 2023: Reflecting on a Year of Triumph & Transformation