
Category: KC Ecosystem Builders

Celebrating Ecosystem Building in ESHIP Kansas City

October 25, 2021 | By

Brett Brenton

Come December, Forward Cities will wrap a three year engagement in Kansas City, the first of the four ESHIP Communities to come on board as part….

Read More about Celebrating Ecosystem Building in ESHIP Kansas City

Kansas City Ecosystem Builder Chef Esra England

March 16, 2020 | By

Megan North Shuford

This interview is part of the "Ecosystem Builders" series. More information about the ESHIP Communities program can be found here. Q: What is your deeper "why" behind….

Read More about Kansas City Ecosystem Builder Chef Esra England

Kansas City Ecosystem Builder Dan Smith

March 15, 2020 | By

Megan North Shuford

This interview is part of the "Ecosystem Builders" series. More information about the ESHIP Communities program can be found here. Q: What is your deeper "why" behind….

Read More about Kansas City Ecosystem Builder Dan Smith

Kansas City Ecosystem Builder Eze Redwood

February 28, 2020 | By

Megan North Shuford

This interview is part of the "Ecosystem Builders" series. More information about the ESHIP Communities program can be found here. Q: What is your deeper "why" behind….

Read More about Kansas City Ecosystem Builder Eze Redwood