Some say being an entrepreneur is a lonely job, and it’s true. According to the Gallup Wellbeing Index, entrepreneurs rank as being more stressed than other workers and also report worrying more than traditional workers. Additionally, if you’re an entrepreneur that primarily works from home, this can be isolating because you may miss the social interaction and sense of community of a workplace.
At a time with loneliness is a worldwide epidemic — with more people reporting concerning levels of isolation and mental health concerns — it can be scary starting a business on your own when so much can go wrong. Despite the concerns, entrepreneurs continue to start businesses at record rates, because — let’s be real — most entrepreneurs are driven by what could go right versus what could go wrong.
"How do we mitigate the risks of entrepreneurship so we can better amplify and appreciate the rewards?"
There are plenty of benefits to being an entrepreneur, including a rewarding career, work-life autonomy, leadership, flexible schedule, and more! But how do we mitigate the risks of entrepreneurship so we can better amplify and appreciate the rewards?
We see 3 ways: learning from experience (yours and others'), seeking wise counsel, and leveraging a powerful network to grow your impact and increase opportunities. Each of these is a powerful feature of the E3 Durham program.
Enrolling in the E3 Durham Program not only gives you access to intentional networking opportunities with other entrepreneurs who also understand the challenges and opportunities of running their own businesses, but it also connects you with a multitude of resources, mentors, and organizations with the mission of helping you grow your business.
Remember, being a “solopreneur” — an entrepreneur who works on their own – doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Get the support, connections, and resources you need for your business with E3 Durham. Enroll today!
Tivi Jones
Hey Awesome Girl
Tivi Jones teaches, consults, and creates to help you make work (and the world) more awesome! Founder of Hey Awesome Girl, a creative agency with a social mission to empower women to become entrepreneurial consultants, she has appeared on PBS, RollingStone, Time, People en Español, and more.

Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.